Track and get report of your website traffic with Google Analytics. In fact it is a free service provided by Google where a webmaster or a website owner can get the detailed report of their website. In addition analytics can provide you the report like how much traffic you are getting and from where and what devices they(visitors/viewers) are using . You can also see the Real Time traffic report with their keywords and the landing page. Specifically in Real Time reporting you can get the Top Referrals, Top Social Traffic, Top Active Pages, Top Keywords. Thus, Add Google Analytics to Blogger.

Table of Contents
Google Analytics Sign Up
To start with Google Analytics of course you have to sign up just Click Here.

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Accordingly, after clicking “Sign Up for Free” you will be redirected to the Sign In page and here enter your email/username and password which you use to sign in with Blogger. Similarly, after clicking Sign In you will be redirected to the signup page.

Google Analytics Enter your Blog Details
Afterward a form type page will open here you have to fill the form fields. (for example See the snapshot below)

How to Fill the Form?
I will help you out in regard to filling the details in fact it is easy to fill the details and get tracking ID.
What would you like to track?
As you have a blog, therefore, you have to select “website” option (Default).
- Account Name – Accounts are the top-most level of organization and contain one or more tracking ID for example Roar IT Loud.
- Website Name – Enter your Blog Name for example, Roar IT Loud
- Website URL – Enter Blog URL for example. www.roaritloud.com
- Industry Category – Enter Blog Category.
- Reporting Time Zone – Select Time Zone for example India.
Google Analytics Copy Tracking ID
Afterwards you have to click “Get Tracking ID” button and One window will open, “Google Analytics Terms of Service Agreement”, click “I Accept” after reading the agreement and just Copy the script.
Add Google Analytics to Blogger
However there are two ways to add Google Analytics Code. The first one is, copy the code and paste it in the header section of your Blog template. On the other hand the second way is very simple, you have to copy the tracking ID which look like this “UA-11223344-1” and paste it in the blogger setting. In order to do this I will help you to add google analytics code in your blog with step by step Snapshot images.
Copy and Paste Google Analytics Script
However if you know the basic knowledge of HTML tags, you will understand it easily. But who don’t know about HTML tags, I will help you it’s very easy. First and foremost, Sign In to your Blogger Dashboard and select drop down menu>Setting >Template. You have to click “Edit Template”
Press Ctrl+F to Find/Search for </head
just above the closing of </head> tag you will see some code line like this :
<b:include data=’blog’ name=’google-analytics’/>
<b:include data='blog' name='google-analytics'/>
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-1', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');
Afterwards kindly Save the Template that’s It.
Copy Paste Tracking ID in the Setting Option
On the other hand, you have the Second option which is very simple all you have to just copy the Tracking ID and go to the Setting,Other, and Paste the Tracking ID in the field which is Analytics Web Property ID. Thus, you don’t have to edit the Template.
To summarize this post you learn the two ways to Add Google Analytics to Blogger. You can use any option you like. I recommend you to Copy and Paste Analytics Script in your blogger Template. If you are using the Second option i.e. Copy Paste Tracking ID in the Setting Option, if you are not getting any stats of your blog in Google Analytics then you have to use the first option i.e Copy and Paste Analytics Script Thank you.